Founded in Nuremberg (GER)
Employees in 40 locations
New Work - Flexible offices and corporate co-working
Entry EMH Partners
“Feel good. Work better.” – Design Offices is the perfect place for agility as well as creative, flexible, and efficient working.
Design Offices is the leading provider of flexible offices und creative co-working spaces in Germany. New work emerged through the digitalization and flexibilization of the working environment, it brought a new working culture with new needs. Design Offices addressed these challenges and serves those needs in 40 locations throughout Germany. All our agile work spaces can be rented on a flexible basis.
Significant minority stake
Increased speed of expansion
Digitalisation of processes, locations and marketing/sales channels

"Technology not only disrupts the work itself but also how we collaborate. New Work demands flexible ways of working - it is human centric and leads to higher productivity. Design Offices Group is perfectly positioned as a catalyst and platform for New Work since our founding in 2008.“
Dr. Joachim Gripp – CEO Design Offices