Sustainability at EMH Partners

Integral component of our strategy for long-term value creation.

Our approach

Sustainability means partnering to build future-proof businesses.

At EMH Partners, we are committed to building long-term value alongside entrepreneurs and management teams. We are convinced that sustainable practices contribute to building resilient, future-proof businesses.

That’s why we have anchored sustainability along the entire investment process – from deal sourcing throughout the holding period until exit. At EMH Partners, we do this in a holistic manner as we strive to create and protect value together with our portfolio companies as well as in our own organization.

Each new opportunity undergoes a dedicated sustainability screening and due diligence process to identify and assess sustainability risks and opportunities. Once the opportunity becomes a portfolio company, the team provides strategic guidance for managing sustainability topics. We also perform an annual sustainability review and benchmarking process for all our portfolio companies to monitor progress and sustainability performance.

Sustainability requires lifelong engagement

Sustainability is a lifelong journey with progressively increasing relevance for our industry and for our ability to contribute value to our planet, all our stakeholders and society. Because of this, EMH Partners is highly committed to keep up with best industry practices. This is outlined by active memberships in the PRI and the EDCI as well as our dedicated sector approach (aligned with the SASB standards and ESRS sector guidance).

EMH’s decarbonization effort  

An analysis of EMH’s scope 1, scope 2, and the most relevant operational scope 3 emissions, and excluding emissions from EMH’s portfolio companies, revealed an overall carbon footprint of 293t CO2 emissions for 2023. The corresponding 9t of CO2 emissions per employee prove that EMH Partners has set a solid fundament when it comes to the firm’s decarbonization effort. One example is the EMH headquarter in Munich. The office is classified energy efficient A+ (“very good”), as we have been using a sustainable district heating and district cooling since the latest refurbishment.

However, EMH will continue to specifically drive its decarbonization effort in scope 3.

Memberships and initiatives

We proactively engage with the broader sustainability ecosystem of portfolio companies, investors, and peers to contribute our share towards sustainable development.

  • In 2024, we became a member of the ESG Data Convergence Initiative (EDCI).

    EDCI is about driving convergence around meaningful environmental, social and governance (ESG) metrics for the private equity industry, as well as generating useful, performance-based, comparable ESG data.

    As a signatory, we will actively contribute to driving ESG data convergence and are committed to following best market practices.

    This allows us to continuously benchmark our portfolio and improve ESG performance.

  • In 2020, EMH became a signatory to the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI).

    The PRI is the world’s leading proponent of responsible investment and works to understand the investment implications of environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors.

    As a leading growth investment firm, we have a responsibility to act in our stakeholders’ best and long-term interests.  As a PRI signatory, we incorporate ESG topics into all our decision-making processes.

  • At EMH, we consider the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) throughout the entire investment process.

    The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet.

    At its heart are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are an urgent call for action by all countries – developed and developing – in a global partnership.


A thematic approach towards sustainability

Innovations for impact – technology is a core enabler of sustainable value contribution.

  • Develop state-of-the-art medical technology to the benefit of millions of people.

    Improve access to healthcare, diagnosis and treatment and combat severe diseases.

  • Support businesses on their sustainable growth paths by providing services, technology and infrastructure that supports their sustainable operations.

  • Produce “more with less”, foster recycling, reduce waste and extend lifetime to support the transition from a linear towards a more circular economy.

       Sustainability in practice

                  Exemplifying EMH’s portfolio companies and their ESG achievement.

Let's connect.

Sustainability at EMH Partners

Your contact

Achim Kreuzer
ESG Manager

Meet the leading growth investment firm that partners with technology businesses and entrepreneurs.